I've recently discovered that toothpaste - ideally the non-gel type, and with baking soda - is a super duper cleaning product!
Why It Works
It's got gentle abrasion and can clean tough stains. Further, use an old toothbrush to agitate the toothpaste (a-la brushing your teeth) with a bit of water...
Full disclosure, I'm not a fan of hand sanitizer because I much prefer good old fashioned handwashing with soap and water. I feel it's cleaner, I can't explain it, but I do. However, at times, I can't access 'old reliable' and hope to goodness I don't accidentally touch my face or...
If I told you I could find one product that could be used as a deodorant, a toothpaste, an exfoliant and an antiseptic, you’d likely be impressed.
And then if you found out that same substance could be used in the kitchen to improve your favourite dishes, then clean the...
Cleaning expert, Melissa Maker, walks you through the products and tools you'll need as well as the simple steps to cleaning a toilet quickly and effectively in 3 minutes.
Tools you'll need
Rubber Gloves
Use separate ones for the bathroom (these ones are while, choose another colour for the kitchen).
Cleaning Toothbrush
Use an...
You've seen the commercials. You know the products. We're told our homes are a veritable hotbed for all germs, spores, bacteria, mold, and mildew. It's quite miraculous that we aren't all battling plague 24/7. Ok, sarcasm aside, I think we're being a little oversold on the whole notion of...
If you've been experiencing a blockage, and I don't mean the kind that requires more fibre in your diet, consider cleaning your shower head to improve water flow and give you a better shower experience.
Basically, a shower head (like mine, pictured in this post), is constantly spouting water out,...
I'm not going to beat around the bush; I'm pretty into my hair. And I have a lot of it. And I have a lot of hair brushes. And my daughter Riley has a few hair brushes too. And my husband Chad has a couple of hair brushes. So...
Oh no! It’s noon and you just found out your guests will be arriving early. With no time to spare, you must get to cleaning! So what do you do when you are strapped for time and want to make a good impression? Focus on these 5 areas and...
One of the most common questions I get asked is how to clean a shower properly.
This is definitely one of the jobs that seems harder than it is. If you have the right tools, products, and technique, and do it regularly, you will be in good shape. If your shower...
Grunge was cool in the 90s, not in your shower. Just sayin'. If you have a shower, there's a really good chance you have a shower mat and shower curtain liner. And, there's a super good chance that you haven't washed them lately (or ever)!
Why They Get So Grungy
How appropriate a blog topic. Let me break down what this past week has been like for us here at Clean My Space headquarters...
On Monday morning, Chad woke up with a bad cold and because Chad is a giant baby, he proceeded to spend the next 2 days in bed...
We spend good money upgrading our homes.
Gorgeously designed homes; sigh. We dream about them, pin ideas about them to our most treasured Pinterest boards, gawk at our neighbors' renos and take an extra long time shuffling down the aisles of home renovation stores. We are literally obsessed with beautifying...
Bathrooms are such a hot topic with our community.
I don't know many people that love cleaning bathrooms, and I'd have to say I don't really like the job myself (although it's vacuuming I dislike doing the most). So, because of this, I have devised a strategy that helps me...
A streaky mirror is not a clean mirror, despite the number of times you've tried cleaning it.
Streaks are frustrating, unsightly and off-putting. We all think we know how to clean mirrors, but once you learn my secret product and technique you'll have the shiniest mirrors on the block.
For starters,...
I consider our bathroom cleaning video to be essential viewing, if you want to know how to clean your tub, toilet, sink, counters, tiles, and even the floor.
But I hate to tell you—those aren't even the nastiest parts of the bathroom. So now we're back to tackle those things—the ones that you might...
It's crucial to check your cosmetics and toiletries for signs of degradation. While nothing too harmful can come from using expired products, some may lose efficacy, some may cause minor irritations and some will become downright unappealing and not look, smell or act as initially intended.
For that reason, taking...