Grout is something we don’t think about in regular cleaning. But then suddenly, you’ll notice your grout is looking dark, mildewy, or just generally dirty. A lot of people ask me, “how do professionals clean grout?” As a professional cleaner for over a decade, I’ve developed some great tried and true methods to clean grout.
In this article, we cover three ways that you can clean your tile grout. Each of these methods has its pros and cons, and deciding which method is right for you is the first step to cleaning grout! I’ll go over each method, and the pros and cons of each to help you decide. And while this might not be how you want to spend your Saturday, trust me, clean grout is worth the time commitment!
I’m going to explain each grout cleaning method here, but if you want to see all three methods in action, be sure to check out our video, 3 Ways to Clean Grout.
Method #1 – Oxygen Bleach Powder (Oxi-Clean)
First of all, if you don’t know what oxygen bleach powder is, you’re missing out! Read my article Oxygen Bleach: The Effective and Safe Alternative to learn more.
To clean your grout with oxygen bleach powder, simply add a bit of the powder to some boiling water. The boiling water really activates those oxygen bubbles. Apply this mixture to your grout with a cleaning toothbrush, making sure it is soaking wet. Leave the mixture to treat your grout for thirty minutes, and don’t let it dry. After the thirty minutes have passed, use a wet microfiber cloth to remove the solution. Voila, clean grout!
Pros of this method: This is a hands-off method using a product that you may already have. Oxygen bleach powder does a lot of work, so you can do less scrubbing.
Cons of this method: This method takes a little longer, because it’s two-step job – mix and apply, wait and then wipe.

Method #2 – Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide
Another great way to clean grout is with common household products many of you probably already have in your home.
Mix two parts baking soda with one part hydrogen peroxide and apply using a toothbrush. Allow the mixture to sit a minute or two and then scrub clean with the toothbrush.
Finish by wiping clean with a microfiber cloth. Remember that the baking soda will leave a residue behind, so you will want to wash and wipe thoroughly to ensure it’s completely removed.
Pros of this method: This is an inexpensive method you can try with products that you probably already have.
Cons of this method: This method requires less time, but more elbow grease to be really effective.

Method #3 – Steam Cleaner
My third and final method to clean grout is super effective but less convenient if you don’t own a steam cleaner.
A steam cleaner gets right into your grout lines and pushes out any dirt that has seeped into the pores. Just put on your steam cleaner’s attachment (a small nylon brush) and scrub back and forth. Make sure you have a microfiber cloth handy to wipe up dirt as it is released. This prevents depositing dirt back onto your grout line.
Allow your floor to dry, and you will see beautiful, clean grout. Yes, grout can be beautiful to some of us (insert a beauty is in the eye of the beholder joke).
Pros of this method: This is the quickest and most effective method. This method also helps to restore grout to its natural color rather than artificially whitening it.
Cons of this method: This is also the most expensive method if you don’t already have a steam cleaner. Plus, steam cleaners can be bulky, so you’ll need room to store one.

How Do Professionals Clean Grout? Now You Know!
There are a number of grout cleaning products on the market today, and if you’ve ever Googled grout cleaning, you’ve probably seen them. However, you really don’t need expensive grout cleaning products to clean your grout well.
There are a lot of effective ways to clean grout that we professional cleaners use. And they cost pennies! If you’ve tried any of these methods leave a comment below and let us know what you think!
And if you’re cleaning bathroom grout (and I’m guessing you are) be sure to check out How to Clean the Bathtub and Shower Like a Pro and The Ultimate Weekly Bathroom Cleaning Checklist.
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It’s fantastic that you provided further detail on how to simply clean your tiles by using a little bit of oxygen bleach powder with hot water. I just moved into my first home, and the grout in the master bathroom is disgusting. It could be a good idea for me to hire a professional to help me with the tile cleaning.
It’s great that you elaborated on simply mixing a little amount of oxygen bleach powder with hot water to clean your tile. I recently moved into my first house, and the master bathroom’s grout is incredibly filthy. It could be a good idea for me to employ a specialist to assist me with tile cleaning.
Oh, okay. I didn’t even know that steam cleaners are the fastest way to keep our grouts clean naturally. Lately, my son keeps complaining about the condition of his bathroom flooring which is quite difficult to scrub. Well, I believe it’s about time he refers to this tip in order to produce a satisfactory result.
Good luck Amy! 🙂