General Home Cleaning

This is great general housekeeping advice that friends pass along to one another. Just general, good-to-know stuff about keeping house.

For some, fall is the best time of year. It's a time for pumpkin spice lattes, cozy sweaters, refreshing walks through the leaves, and gorgeous trees as the leaves change color. Between enjoying all that pumpkin spice and colorful foliage it's also a great time to check off some...
I love Thai food, there is no question about it, but I usually find it somewhat overwhelming to cook at home because there's just a lot going on. Enter my friend Pai, who wrote a book called "Hot Thai Kitchen", and also has a YouTube channel—Pailin's Kitchen. Her and I...
Many of our habits are formed at a very young age—and that goes for cleaning habits as well—which is why so many parents want to encourage their kids to clean and develop good habits from a very early age. With this in mind, I want to pay homage to...
There are so many things in your house to keep track of. Honestly, who has time for it? Life is busy. But these things do need to be cleaned every now and then. And even though they might not be screaming, "Clean me!", we still need to pay attention...
It is staggering how much food we waste. A recent study showed that Americans waste approximately 25% of all food that they purchase. That's essentially taking every fourth grocery bag and tossing it in the garbage on the way after shopping. When we think about food waste a lot...
The world's a little upside down right now. We all find ourselves searching for some sort of comfort while we navigate the landscape of our new normal. Perhaps, like me, your sleep is all messed up, or maybe you're having trouble working or studying, or maybe, your plugging along...
Rubbing alcohol is famous for being able to kill bacteria, but there are so many other uses for rubbing alcohol around your home, specifically in the realm of cleaning. One thing to note: in order for rubbing alcohol to be effective at killing bacteria it has to be at...
Something that a lot of people struggle with when it comes to cleaning is how to properly clean a shower and bathtub. Seriously, we get asked this a lot. And while we do have an older video on how to clean a bathtub, we've taken some of your feedback...
It's easy to put out an article about cleaning tips and tricks online. Why? Because, who's vetting it? Nobody! Here at Clean My Space, we have a whole team who, at any given time, might be researching several video and/or article concepts that we're preparing to produce. As a...
There are few things I covet as much in cleaning as I do baking soda, and the incredible thing about it is it is so inexpensive! If they raise the price on baking soda, I'd still pay a premium for it because it does so much, not only for...
We've written over 500 articles and produced over 600 YouTube videos. Along with this comes a ton of comments from the Clean My Space community. So, we decided that we would go through some of our recent videos and pick out some of our favorite tips from you guys. #1...
As a cleaning expert, I am pleased to be able to share crucial information about cleaning and disinfecting at home when illness is a concern. I’m going to explain the what, how, when, where, and why, when it comes to disinfecting. I will also share some other important (and...
We talk quite a bit about being responsible stewards of the environment over here at the CMS HQ. As such, we strive to reduce our footprint by not bringing things into our home that are cheap, single-use, or just useless items. So, I thought it would be helpful to...
Growing up, I had the messiest desk in my classroom. If you're old enough, you may remember those clunky wooden desks with the hollow middle that you can stuff things into. Well, mine was so bad that at one point a teacher dumped the contents of my desk out...
A self-cleaning oven, i.e., the holy grail of appliances! Wouldn't it be great if all our appliances were self-cleaning? I could retire from Clean My Space, and we could all kick our feet up and watch Netflix all the time. Sadly, this isn't the case. And a lot of...
With a new year comes the whole "new year, new you" theme that drives everyone a little crazy. We do all of this stuff in January, and then by February, it kind of falls apart. So, what I'd like to do is give you 10 rules for a cleaner...