Cleaning: You can do it wrong. You can damage a surface, waste time doing a task that doesn’t address the real problem, miss opportunities to make your life easier, and more! To help you clean better, faster and more easily, I’m sharing seven of the most common cleaning mistakes....
The kitchen is an MIA (or, a Most Important Area) for me. I know that I struggle with keeping the kitchen clean, although I do love a clean kitchen because I spend so much time there. It's been proven that a great way to effect change and make something a habit...
Never in my wildest dreams or nightmares did I ever think I would be considered a cleaning expert. But over the past 11 years, I have operated a successful cleaning company, written a book about cleaning, created over 500 cleaning videos and created my own line of microfiber cleaning...
Not too long ago we put together an article looking at our top 10 rules for a cleaner home. We then asked all of our fans to tell us their number one rule for a cleaner home. We received a ton of responses, so much so that we decided to...
Over the years we've gone through countless tips and tricks concerning how to clean, declutter and take care of various items throughout the home. Some of these tips are very specialized, while others are more broad in nature. That got us to thinking, if we had to come up...
We've been taking a lot about DIY home decor projects here at the CMS HQ lately. One of the questions we get asked about the most on the Clean My Space channel as a whole (aside from cleaning), is how we chose to decorate our home. This got us...
I take my job (well, jobs - plural) very seriously, one of which is teaching cleaning tips online, and another, that you may or may not know, is running my own cleaning company. I started it in 2006 and over the years I’ve researched, studied, and practiced, to become...
We spend a lot of time cleaning our homes - kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms... the list goes on. However, there are a number of areas in the home that we tend to forget about, at least I know I do.
When you clean, you get into a routine and you kind...
Even if you love to clean, you probably don't want to spend all day doing it. If you're making mistakes while you're cleaning, well, that's even more frustrating and will take you even longer. Just because I am a cleaning expert, does not mean that I didn't make mistakes...
When cleaning becomes overwhelming - which I know happens a lot - taking a step back and trying to adopt some simple habits into your daily routine can really make an impact. One of the easiest ways to fight overwhelmed feelings, when it comes to cleaning, is to have...
Picking my all time best cleaning tips is a tall order, but I've narrowed it down to the most effective and handy tips I know.
All-Purpose Cleaner
I know when you look in the cleaning aisle, you see so many different products and you’re trying to figure out: “Which one do...
Do you have any bad habits? I certainly do. When we last talked about breaking bad habits, we had hundreds of comments from viewers sharing their bad habits. It seems like we all have habits we'd like to break, so we decided to make another video about it! Here are...
Whether it comes to cleaning or life in general, we all have them: bad habits. We are often asked about cleaning routines and best practices, which is great. But—sometimes simply correcting some of the bad habits we have is just as useful. So, I figured I would talk about...
Back in the day, I found keeping house to be very overwhelming. Now that I've learned some tips and tricks I find it more manageable (but hardly something I enjoy). No matter how you feel about keeping your house clean, it needs to get done. One of my secrets to keeping...
Making lasting change is all about forming good habits. The philosopher George Santayana said, "Repetition is the only form of permanence that nature can achieve." And it's repetition that will turn a new behavior into a habit, and give your home a (somewhat) permanently better state!
The best thing about a habit...
There's a lot to talk about when it comes to cleaning the bathroom. You have been asking about what you can do to maintain your bathroom on a regular basis. What kind of habits can you employ to keep a cleaner bathroom? I am going to outline some simple...